About the Contributors, #27

Stephen Angell is the Leatherock Professor of Quaker Studies at Earlham School of Religion, Richmond Indiana, and Associate Editor of Quaker Theology.

Chel Avery, After a work life spent mostly in Quaker organizations, including Pendle Hill, the Quaker Information Center and Friends General Conference, Chel Avery is attempting to live a retired life in eastern Pennsylvania. She is a member of Goshen Monthly Meeting.

Chuck Fager is Editor of Quaker Theology. His most recent book is Some Quaker FAQs.

Isaac May is a graduate of Earlham College. He recently earned a Masters of Theological Studies from Harvard Divinity School and is pursuing a doctorate in religious studies at the University of Virginia. His research focuses on American religion in the twentieth century, especially involving the topics of liberal religion, Christian nonviolence and the interaction of religion and politics. He has published several articles on Quaker history.

Jeanmarie Simpson is Founding Artistic Director of the Nevada Shakespeare Company. She has written and performed the play “A Single Woman,” about the life of the pac­ifist and first US Cong-resswoman Jeannette Rankin in 50 countries. She starr­ed in the film version that featured Judd Nelson, the voices of Martin Sheen and Patricia Arquette, and the music of Joni Mitchell. In 2007, she appeared at the historic Beverly Hills The­ater 40 in the American premier of the solo tour-de-force “Shakespeare Will,” produced by Leonard Nimoy. She is highly regarded for her interpretation of heroic women in modern and historic times.

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