Stephen W. Angell, is Leatherock Professor of Quaker Studies at Earlham School of Religion.
Chuck Fager, Editor of Quaker Theology, is Director of Quaker House in Fayetteville, North Carolina.
Doug Gwyn is the author of Apocalypse of the Word; Seekers Found; and other books. He is now researching a comprehensive history of Pendle Hill, as Cadbury Scholar there.
Joyce Ketterer is a graduate of Delaware Valley Friends School, and the Quaker Leadership Scholars Program at Guilford College. Her mother became convinced in 1980 when Joyce was 3 years old, and she was thus raised Quaker with an atheist Jewish father. She identifies as a secular Jewish Non-Theist Friend and lives in Brooklyn, New York with her husband and cat. She owns her own small business.
Anthony Manousos, a member of Santa Monica Friends Meeting and of many Quaker and interfaith organizations, has written numerous articles and edited several books, including a Pendle Hill pamphlet about the Brintons (“Living the Peace Testimony: the Legacy of Howard Brinton,” PHP # 372) and an article about Howard Brinton’s tenure as acting president of Guilford College, “Guilford College, North Carolina Friends and the First World War” (The Southern Friend, Summer 2003). Manousos also served as editor of Friends Bulletin, the official publication of Pacific, North Pacific and Intermountain Yearly Meeting. This magazine was founded by the Brintons in 1929, and is now called The Western Friend. He is currently at work on a book about Friends and the Interfaith Movement.
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Quaker Theology
More Highlights of Recent Issues:
■ Quaker History & Theology: Three Interviews
■ A Quaker in a Material World: A Materialist Perspective
■ Peace Theology and Foundations for Ecumenical Dialogue
■ A Review & Profile: Milton Mayer, Quaker Hedgehog
■The Catechisms of George Fox
■ Friendly Healing in Frampton and the Forest
■ Nimrod and the Tower of Babel: Genesis 10-11 in
17th-Century Quaker Writings
■The Church: Called, Gathered, and Faithful, Prepared by
Friends United Meeting Theological Commission,
in response to The Nature and Purpose of the Church:
A Stage on the Way to a Common Statement.
Faith & Order Commission, World Council of Churches
■ Reviews of:
If Grace Be True: Why God Will Save Every Person,
Philip Gulley & James Mulholland; A Treatise on Atonement, Hosea Ballou
Just War Against Terror: The Burden of American Power In a Violent World, by Jean Behthke Elshtain
Memoirs by Two Quaker Women: A Stone Bridge North, Kate Maloy; Driving By Moonlight, Kristin Henderson
Leadings: A Catholic’s Journey through Quakerism