Everyday/Extraordinary Resistance: Two True Stories from the Vietnam Years

Leafleting a Meeting of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Marion Anderson By 1970, I had been organizing against the war full-time for five years. First, in Washington where I was an organizer of the televised National Teach-In which was watched by about ten million Americans and then in Michigan as chairman of Michi-gan Clergy and …

Links to NCYM-FUM letters online

Protesting Letters Poplar Ridge Letter:www.afriendlyletter.com/files/Poplar-Ridge-Friends-NCYM-FUM.pdf Pine Hill:www.afriendlyletter.com/files/Pine-Hill-Friends-NCYM-08-3024.pdf Deep Creek:http://afriendlyletter.com/files/Deep-Creek-Friends.pdf Hopewell:http://afriendlyletter.com/files/Hopewell-Friends-NCYM-08-2014.pdf Forbush:http://afriendlyletter.com/files/Forbush-Friends-08-2014.pdf Plainfield:http://afriendlyletter.com/files/Plainfield-Letter-ALL.pdf Bethesda:http://afriendlyletter.com/files/Bethesda-Letter.pdf Responses: Fancy Gap Withdrawal Letter:http://afriendlyletter.com/files/Fancy-Gap-Quit-Letter.pdf Spring Meeting “We shall remain” Letter:http://afriendlyletter.com/files/Spring-Letter-Stay.pdf

“From Peace to Freedom: Quaker Rhetoric and the Birth of American Antislavery, 1657-1761″*

Reviewed by H. Larry Ingle The British literary scholar Brycchan Carey avers in the first sentence of his Introduction to From Peace to Freedom, “almost everyone knows that Quakers were at the forefront of campaigns to abolish slavery and the slave trade.” In the small world of scholarship, especially the historical realm, that assessment may be accurate …

“Remaking Friends: How Progressive Friends Changed Quakerism & Helped Save America, 1822-1940″* A Review

Reviewed by Isaac May In his introduction to Remaking Friends, Chuck Fager informs his readers that his book “attempts to answer a question… How did the liberal branch of Quakerism become what it is in the early 21st century?” (p. 3). He takes on this rather considerable task principally by examining an important historical antecedent of modern …

Blessed Unrest: The Radical Act of Gathering

Scott Holmes          I am a Quaker lawyer finding myself in the middle of the legal defense of Quakers arrested for failing to disperse from an unlawful assembly at the North Carolina General Assembly during the “Moral Monday” protests this summer. I have been inspired, moved, and challenged by Moral Monday protesters. I am …

“Hostage In Iraq” & “118 Days: Christian Peacemaker Teams Held Hostage in Iraq”* Reviewed

Reviewed by Chuck Fager This is a bad news-good news review. Bad news first: In US army jargon, the “Tooth-to-Tail-Ratio” describes the fact that for every armed soldier on the Baghdad streets or in Afghan mountains, there is a “tail” of eight to ten others, stretching back to the states, and typically including civilians. I …