Twentieth Anniversary Issue
Winter 2019
Editor: Chuck Fager
Associate Editor: Stephen W. Angell
ISSN 1526-7482

All the essays in this issue
are copyright © by the respective authors,
and all rights are reserved by them.

The views expressed in articles in Quaker Theology are those of the authors, and not necessarily those of the Editors, or Quaker Ecumenical Seminars in Theology.

Editor’s Introduction, #33

By Chuck Fager Twenty years and 32 issues ago, we asked “What is theology, and why should Friends be interested in it?” Good questions. Here’s a true story that happened since, and offers one answer: Several years ago I visited a “Quaker” school in the South, supposedly to talk about peace. The school was expensive, …

Moment of Truth: Wilmington Yearly Meeting Divides over a Familiar Set of Issues

By Stephen W. Angell Wilmington Yearly Meeting (WYM), assembled at the Friends Meeting in Maryville, Tennessee, on the last weekend of July, released five meetings (four monthly meetings and one preparatory meeting) that requested to sever connections with the yearly meeting. Wilmington Yearly Meeting includes Friends Churches in the states of Tennessee and Ohio, and …

The Separation Generation

By Chuck Fager; with material edited and adapted from previous issues of Quaker Theology. I – Background It’s not easy – in fact, impossible – to pick a starting date for what I call the “Separation Generation” in American Quakerism. My personal preference is July 1977, when the first major interbranch conference in decades, gathered in …

Imminence, Rootedness, and Realism: Eschapocalyptic Action (or not) in the Age of Trump

r. scot miller In this Age of Trump, two urgent questions have emerged for many Friends and Progressive Christians. First, what we ought to do in response to what happened in 2016 and continues to happen. And second, how do we address that wide swath of American Christianity (lumped under the terms “Evangelical: or “Religious …

A Sermon Delivered at Yardleyville, Bucks Co., PA, September 26, 1858

by Lucretia Mott Reported Phonographically; published in The Liberator, October 29, 1858 ‘The kingdom of God is within us’, and ‘Christianity will not have performed  its office in the earth until its professors have learned to respect the rights and privileges of conscience, by a toleration without limit, a faith without contention.’ This is the …

About the Authors, #33

Stephen Angell is the Leatherock Professor of Quaker Studies at the Earlham School of Religion in Richmond, Indiana. Chuck Fager is the Editor of Quaker Theology. He lives in Durham, North Carolina. r. scot miller is a social worker and former dairy farmer in Michigan. Lucretia Coffin Mott (1793-1880) was born on Nantucket Island, settled …