We don’t do “theme” issues here at Quaker Theology, but readers could be forgiven for thinking that this Issue #14 had a theme of Scriptural study and interpretation. The first piece, by our newly-appointed Associate Editor Stephen W. Angell (Welcome, Steve!), considers how differing approaches to reading and understanding the Bible play out in several …
Category Archives: Issue #14, Fall-Winter 2007-2008

Volume Eight, Number One
Fall-Winter 2007-2008
Editor: Chuck Fager
Associate Editor: Ann K. Riggs & Steven Angell
ISSN 1526-7482
Opening the Scriptures, Then and Now
By Stephen W. Angell From East Africa to the Midwestern United States, the first decade of the twenty-first century has proven to be a momentous time for the Religious Society of Friends. In Ohio Valley Yearly Meeting, to which I belong, Friends have been discussing whether our minute on environmental sustainability should include the concept …
A Quaker Perspective on the Qur’an and the Bible
By Anthony Manousos George Bernard Shaw once observed that England and America are two countries separated by a common language. It could also be said that Christianity, Islam and Judaism are three religions separated by a common religious heritage. The three great monotheistic faiths all claim Abraham as their common spiritual ancestor. They ascribe to …
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The Importance of Context
Joe Franko “He has brought me to his banquet halland his banner over me is love.” – Song of Songs 2:4 “This is just my opinion. I could be wrong.” — Gay Spirituality by Toby Johnson On Being Gay and Quaker Above my desk as I write, there is a statue of a horse, a …
We Are the Missing Link Reflections on Walter Wink’s “The Human Being”
Douglas Gwyn The Human Being: Jesus and the Enigma of the Son of the Man, Walter Wink. Augsburg Fortress, 368 pages, $26.00. When I began my seminary education at Union in New York in 1971, I took a New Testament survey course with Walter Wink. I vividly recall that he began his first lecture by …
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“Restless Souls: The Making of American Spirituality”* A Review
Reviewed by H. Larry Ingle In the last two or more decades the word “spirituality,” as a substitute for religion, and even “spirit” has taken on a slightly “new age” connotation, with its vague usage making deep inroads among Friends. I haven’t heard anyone propose that the Religious Society of Friends change its name to …
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Four Publications on Torture
A Question of Torture: CIA Interrogation, from the Cold War to the War on Terror. Alfred McCoy. Holt, 320 pages. Torture Taxi: On the Trail of the CIA’s Rendition Flights. Trevor Paglen and A. C. Thompson. Melville House Publishing 208 pages. $23.00 Teaching About Torture, a Curriculum. Peggy Brick. 19 pages. The Quaker Initiative to …
“The Trouble with God: Building the Republic of Heaven”* A Review
A theist Friend’s Appreciation of Quaker Non-theism
About The Contributors
Stephen W. Angell, is Leatherock Professor of Quaker Studies at Earlham School of Religion. Chuck Fager, Editor of Quaker Theology, is Director of Quaker House in Fayetteville, North Carolina. Joe Franko, teaches mathematics at Mt. San Antonio College in Walnut, California. He is also Presiding Clerk of Pacific Yearly Meeting, and a founding member of …