Autumn, 1999 Editor: Chuck Fager ISSN 1526-7490
Category Archives: Issue # 1 – Fall 1999

All the essays in this issue
are copyright © by the respective authors,
and all rights are reserved by them.
The views expressed in articles in Quaker Theology are those of the authors, and not necessarily those of the Editors, or Quaker Ecumenical Seminars in Theology.
Editor’s Introduction, #1
In good Quaker fashion, we begin with queries: What is theology, and why should Friends be interested in it? Early Friends were often loudly skeptical about theology, which George Fox referred to scornfully as “windy notions.” Their critique had at least five major points: Intellectualizing about religion takes people away from experiencing God and the …
Some Quaker Reflections on the Kosovo War
By Chuck Fager I. A Letter from Lincoln Reflecting on the Kosovo war as a Quaker, a recent joke came to mind: Question: What did one paradigm say to the other paradigm? Answer: Shift happens. What sorts of shifts does Kosovo confront us with? There are at least five that I have noticed and want …
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The Making of a Quaker Atheist
Copyright © George Amoss, Jr., 1999All rights reserved. How did I come to be a Quaker and an atheist? I was raised as neither; my early life was filled with faith in God and a fascination with the Catholic priesthood and “the religious life”–life under vows in an order of friars or monks. It was …
The Religious Society of Friends (Quakers) as a Religious Community
Ann K. Riggs At the Fourth World Conference in Faith and Order in Montreal, 1963, the Commission presented the influential text, “Scripture, Tradition and Traditions.”2 This text developed an understanding of Christian Scripture as the creation of “a tradition which goes back to our Lord.” All Christians are “indebted to that tradition inasmuch as we have …
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Puritanism, Spiritualism, and Quakerism:
AN HISTORIOGRAPHICAL ESSAY Melvin B. Endy, Jr. The problems posed by the attempt to define Puritanism have driven some scholars to substituting description for definition and others to the use of the term as an umbrella for the religious experience shared by groups as disparate as mildly dissatisfied Anglicans, on the one band, and the …
About the Contributors, #1
George Amoss, Jr. is a member of Homewood Meeting in Baltimore. He edits the Journal of the Quaker Universalist Fellowship, and established the Quaker Electronic Archive and Meeting place website, at: Melvin Endy, who is currently a member of the Division of Human development in St. Mary’s College, St. Mary’s, Maryland, is the author …