Offsite Theological Documents and Sites

Some of the many, many places where you can study theology on the net. — Links to online Quaker texts and Collections: This set of links is a part of “” the massive and pioneering website maintained by Friend Russ Nelson.  It will point you to most of the major pages and sites on which to find classic and historical Quaker writings.

Quakers and the Arts — While not a theological study per se, this collection of quotations is nonetheless a rich source of theological reflection.  Gathered by Friend Esther Murer, it traces the evolution of Quaker attitudes to the arts over three hundred-plus years, and from vehement opposition to somewhat halfhearted, uncertain acceptance.

Michigan Electronic Library.  This list is strongly interfaith, pointing you to resources, books and periodicals,   related to many faith traditions.

The Internet Theology Resources Collection of the Alcuin & Clemens Library of St. John’s University.   St. John’s is a Catholic school in Collegeville Minnesota, and its collection is Catholic-based, but very broad in scope.  It includes a list of links to online theology-realted periodicals.

Theological Journals on the Net: This listing is from the University of Calgary, and covers journals from a wide range: Jewish, Islamic, Hindu, Buddhist, Christian, and even Skeptics.

A New journal not on the Calgary list is the Journal of Liberal Religion, a Unitarian online publication. The initial issue was very challenging, and it is worth keeping up with.

The Toronto Collection: An extensive listing, mainly Christian-oriented, assembled by the University of Toronto.

Writings of the Early Church Fathers: (Unfortunately, the writings of the early church mothers have not been preserved….) An extensive and easy to use site.

Bible Study Tools:

Online Bible StudyTools from is an excellent and diversified site, including access to lexicons, concordances, and numerous versions of the biblical text.